Invasive species are on the loose, In East Texas we have to stop them before they take over every formation of water in East Texas.So hare are some facts and what I think may help us take over invasive species. Checking every boat and researching for more predators that eat invasive species will have a positive impact on east Texas waters.
Here are some words I didn’t know when I heard them so i’m going to define them for youInvasive Species-plants and animals that are nonnative to an area and are destructive to it.Aquatic-plants or animals that live in the water. Zebra mussels and other kinds of invasive species are taking over East Texas waters and harming our native plants and animals we have to stop them before they take over every form of water in East Texas.
Current solutions are spraying herbicides which kills them and doesn’t harm any native animals or plants. Another is game wardens are giving fines for not cleaning your boat and boat trailer. There are also these bugs called Weddle’s that eat the invasive plants but they eat them very slowly.
Here’s my first solution I came up with. Having every boat owner come to a pond take their boat of its trailer have someone clean it of then they will get there boat number put in a chart then there good to go.
Here’s my second one. We should research more about predators of invasive species, Many colleges are actually taking native animals and putting them with invasive species and seeing if they eat them.
So what do you think about cleaning every boat and finding more predators.
How else can we stop invasive species?